
What Is Botox and Is the Treatment Safe: Doctor Explains

What Is Botox and Is the Treatment Safe: Doctor Explains

What is botox is the first question person asks when hearing about this procedure. Read the explanation about botox uses, mechanism of action, side effects, and more.

What Is Face Botox: Areas, Aftercare, and Common Myths

What Is Face Botox: Areas, Aftercare, and Common Myths

You probably heard about face botox but still are in doubt whether this is right for you. Our article will help you to understand basic concepts and bust common myths.

Should You Have a Forehead Botox? Doctor’s Review [2023]

Should You Have a Forehead Botox? Doctor’s Review [2024]

Are you sure you know everything about the forehead botox procedure? Save time and get all insight into the procedure from an experienced dermatologist in one article.

How Often I Can Apply Botox

How Often I Can Apply Botox and Answers To Other Top 13 FAQ

How often can I apply botox? Is it safe? What age is the best to start injections? We answer all these and other questions in one article.


What Is Botox on the Face — Beginner Guide To the Procedure

While researching botox you probably will find a lot of outdated information about the procedure. We asked a doctor with 18 years of experience with botulinum toxin to share information according to recent standards. Find out what she said about botox on the face.

Nose Shaping Types

Nose Shaping Types: End-to-End Guide on Types of Correction

Changing the shape of your nose is a difficult decision. That is why, before visiting the surgeon, we advise you to read this guide to understand what type of nose correction you need.

 What To Expect Before and After Surgery [2023]

Rhinoplasty: What To Expect Before and After Surgery [2024]

If you are worried about whether rhinoplasty can correct your nose defect, then this article is for you. In this gallery, we have collected photos before and after the removal of physiological and aesthetic defects of the nose.

What Is Rhinoplasty: Everything You Need To Know From Doctor

What Is Rhinoplasty: Everything You Need To Know From Doctor

If you are dreaming of getting your nose corection, then you simply must read this guide, which describes the answers to all the most worrying questions that potential patients may have.

double chin

Double Chin Liposuction: End-to-End Guide to Spot Surgery

If you want to quickly and painlessly get rid of a double chin, we recommend you try the liposuction technique. Check our article to ensure it allows you to completely eliminate this aesthetic defect.

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