About Bellezie
Bellezie is your reliable guide in the world of plastic surgery and beauty procedures.
Read honest reviews, check doctor profiles, and book consultations — now all in one place.
Safety is the new black, that’s why our mission is not only to connect clients with the right doctors but also to educate people about the industry and make their journey smooth.
Each doctor on our website is checked and verified by the Bellezie team. We verify the track record, education, certification, board memberships, and criminal record of each expert, as well as each of the reviews.
Our criteria:
- Education and certification
- Experience and practice
- Board’s memberships
- Criminal record
- Reviews and cases
Bellezie is a part of EMRG Capital, a Swiss-based venture builder. It is developed by an international team with the aim to create a transparent market for plastic surgery and beauty procedures for everyone.